Post-Mod List Install

Please read everything in this section! There are many important things here!

Launching Mod Organizer 2

  1. Navigate to C:\tpfzs (or wherever you installed the mod list) and open ModOrganizer.exe.

  2. If you don’t have Microsoft VC_Redist installed, you may see an error. You can download the latest versions here

  3. A dialogue will appear and ask if you want to associate Mod Organizer with nxm links. Click Yes.

Check your Overwrite Directory

Occasionally, Wabbajack and/or Rootbuilder can place files that were installed by other mod lists and/or were already in your Skyrim installation folder inside the Overwrite directory for this mod list. This can cause a number of issues, including extremely long loading times or not loading at all. Perform the following steps to ensure this directory is not interfered with by other files.

  1. If you did not perform the steps here, you MUST do so. If you are knowledgeable, you may be able to remove files from this directory that should not be there and then simply verify your game install. If you do not understand this, PLEASE follow the directions in the link above.

  2. In the left pane of Mod Organizer, scroll all the way to the bottom, where you will find an “Overwrite” mod. Double click this.

  3. If you have not run the game yet, this mod/directory should be completely empty. If it is not, double check that you have performed Step 1. If you have, simply select all of the files inside of the Overwrite mod, right click them, and delete.

If you are sure you have performed Step 1, then those file should not be in the Overwrite again. If you find this is not the case, reach out on our Discord.

The only files/directories that should be in the Overwrite mod after launching the game and playing are as follows;

  • NetScriptFramework (if you experience a crash, logs go here)
  • Root
    • betacomments.txt
    • d3dx9_42.log
    • imgui.ini
  • ShaderCache/
  • SKSE
    • Plugins
      • LamasTinyHUD Loadout .ini files
    • Various plugin log files

Launching the Game


The hard part is nearly over. Carry on, the end is in sight!

  1. In Mod Organizer 2, select SKSE from the drop-down menu next to the Run button and click Run. You should ALWAYS run the mod list with the SKSE executable, do NOT use the Skyrim SE executable. You can create a shortcut on your desktop if you wish using the Shortcut button under the Run button.

  2. At this point Mod Organizer will become “Locked”, while the Skyrim executable is running. Under NO circumstances, should you ever click the “Unlock” button while you are playing the game! This includes immediately when it appears. Mod Organizer needs to be in this state for the mod list to launch and work properly. If you do click Unlock, you will more than likely be faced with Infinite Loading Screens, or other issues.

  3. Once Skyrim starts, create a new game. Loading a save from outside this mod list will corrupt that save, do not do this! If you are updating from an existing version of the mod list, read the changelog to ensure that the new version is save-safe.

  4. Currently, there is an issue where the character creation screen is too bright. This is being looked into. In the meantime, you should select the Race you want your character to be, and then move on to the next step. Rarely, the bright screen issue does not occur. If you can see your character clearly, then you can fully create your character now, and skip Step 7.

  5. As soon as you gain control of your character, do nothing. The mods are loading and this can take a little bit of time. You’ll see a list of mods initializing in the top left of the screen, and you will see popup messages, which you can click OK on. Please, DO NOT do anything until notification messages at the top left have ceased. This may take a bit of time, but be patient. This only needs to happen on the first load into a new game.

  6. Once you see that no more items are appearing in the list in the top left, you can proceed to the next steps.

  7. ONLY if you had the bright screen issue when the Race Menu first appeared in Step 4, open the console with the Tilde/Backtick Key below your Escape key, enter the following command showracemenu, and press Enter. This will re-open the character creation screen. Create your character and name them whatever you’d like.

  8. Make sure you are not looking at the Dragon NPC in the room, and press the F10 key. Select a Body Preset from the menu that appears. If you don’t care about this as a Male character, select Zeroed. You must choose a preset as a Male, as the default proportions given are quite wonky. As a Female character, you can safely ignore this if you wish.

  9. At this point, you should make a save, and reload that save before continuing.

The MCM Settings

First and foremost, you should NEVER change an MCM setting except for Hotkeys without asking in Discord first. There are a very large number of MCM settings that change the experience drastically, or introduce bugs that are alleviated by disabling or enabling that setting. As such, it can quite literally break your game if you change a setting you should not change. Please ask about any non-hotkey MCM settings you wish to change.

On a new game, MCM Recorder will run a custom preset that has been created for this mod list. Most MCM configuration menus will be automatically configured for you, using the recommended settings. You will, however, need to configure the MCM for a few mods as listed below;

Valhalla Combat

ONLY if you decide to change the block key from Duel Wield Parrying SKSE, you will also need to change the block key in the Compatibility section of this mod. Dual Wield Parrying uses a different system to send the blocking action to the game, and Valhalla needs to know which key is initiating this separate action to properly start a timed block. If you are not rebinding your block key, you do not need to worry about this.

Important Notes Regarding Current Bugs

There is a major issue with one of the starting scenarios you can choose when speaking to “The Messenger”. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you select the “Dragonborn” -> “High Hrothgar” start. This scenario completes quests in ways that At Your Own Pace does not support, completely breaking the main quest. I won’t be too mad if you select this start and ask about it, but I will be sad because that means you did not read. You should avoid using the Random start option to prevent choosing this start. If you do decide to use the Random start, make sure to re-roll if you spawn outside of High Hrothgar.

Final Thoughts & Best Practices

  • Report any bugs/issues or anything remotely odd on our issue tracker! Make sure to check the current issues before posting on Discord or making a new issue. Reporting issues you find helps to make this mod list better for everyone :)

  • Endorse the mods that have been downloaded by this list! Without the mod authors, the list could not exist. You definitely don’t have to click endorse 1500+ times in one day, but check your Nexus download history every once in a while and spend some time endorsing these mods. Wabbajack has made it incredibly easy to get the mods downloaded, but the authors deserve some commendation for their work, in my opinion. Follow this link to get to your download history!

  • The Notable Mods sections in the Wiki sidebar contains a full-detailed breakdown of all the important mods in this list (this section is still a WIP!). Make sure to check it out after you have read the Mandatory Reading section! You can also view the Load Order Library list in the “Other List Information” tab to view the full mod list.

  • When launching the game through Mod Organizer, NEVER click the “Unlock” button on the small window that Mod Organizer creates. This WILL cause issues!

  • NEVER save right after a loading screen. Wait 15-30 seconds before saving to let scripts finish executing.

  • Quicksaves made with F5 are automatically turned into Manual Saves. It is recommended to save early and often. Every 15 minutes and before interacting with quest NPCs, quest objects, and entering new zones should be sufficient. Old saves can be deleted, but forgetting to save loses progress forever!

  • It is recommended that you do not load autosaves as a rule. In this mod list, they are off by default. If you want to read more about the subject, check out mator’s response to a discussion on the topic here

  • Wabbajack supports updating/upgrading over an existing installation, but it will automatically delete any files that aren’t used for the modlist installation. This means if you have changed the modlist in any way, Wabbajack will delete those changes and may even delete your saves. Keep backups of any changes you do make.

NEXT » Mod List Tweaks - Power Attacking and Blocking